Code Docs

StreamUP Product Documentation

StreamUP Alerts • Xbox Achievement_20240516_121310.png

General Notices

<aside> <img src="/icons/info-alternate_blue.svg" alt="/icons/info-alternate_blue.svg" width="40px" /> Please make sure you have followed the standard product installation steps for StreamUP products.

Install the product into OBS. Getting Started

Install the product into Streamer.Bot and use our DLL so make sure you follow the instructions below! Installing Products into Streamer.Bot

All these links go to the same page but for easy of access I included them all so that you can clearly see what is required to do before continuing!


User Guide

Alright, now that you have installed everything that is required into Streamer.Bot it is time to start using the product. If you are unsure what some of the settings were and what they did you can see explanations at the bottom of this guide.

<aside> <img src="/icons/info-alternate_blue.svg" alt="/icons/info-alternate_blue.svg" width="40px" /> If there is an tiny image, you can click on the image to see a enhanced version of it.


How to Use

By default this product is setup to work with Twitch and YouTube. There are various triggers already setup. You can disable ones you don’t want to use by following the instructions on this page: How to Edit Triggers in Streamer.Bot


This is an overview of what all the settings do. You can access this menu by going to the FFVII Alerts • Settings action then right clicking the Test trigger, then press Test Trigger.


  1. Reset Button
  2. Save Button
  3. Cancel Button

General Settings

OBS Connection Number

Achievement Title

Sound Effect Volume

Toggle Rare Achievements

Rare Achievement Title

Local Currency Code


Donation Settings

Background Colour

Gamerscore Amount

Gamerscore Amount to Trigger Rare Achievement

Achievement Name

Achievement Message


Twitch Settings

Cheer Settings

Background Colour

Gamerscore Amount

Gamerscore Amount to Trigger Rare Achievement

Achievement Name

Achievement Message

Follow Settings

Background Colour

Gamerscore Amount

Achievement Name

Achievement Message

Anonymous Follow Mode

Anonymous Follower Name

Raid Settings

Background Colour

Gamerscore Amount

Gamerscore Amount to Trigger Rare Achievement

Achievement Name

Achievement Message

Subscriber Settings

Background Colour

Gamerscore Amount

Gamerscore Amount to Trigger Rare Achievement

Achievement Name

Achievement Message

YouTube Settings

Gamerscore Tracker Guide

This widget will track all of the achievements Gamerscores and keep a total for your stream. You can use the following chat commands to control them.

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