StreamUP Product Documentation
<aside> <img src="/icons/info-alternate_blue.svg" alt="/icons/info-alternate_blue.svg" width="40px" /> This product comes without a .StreamUP file because it is just controlled inside of Streamer.Bot. You can however get other Poll overlays to put in OBS that will work with this system from the StreamUP website. Remember you can get access to everything by supporting us monthly!
You still need to install the product into Streamer.Bot and use our DLL so make sure you follow the instructions below! Installing Products into Streamer.Bot Adding a Product into Streamer.Bot Setting Up a Product in Streamer.Bot
All these links go to the same page but for easy of access I included them all so that you can clearly see what is required to do before continuing!
Alright, now that you have installed everything that is required into Streamer.Bot it is time to start using the Poll System. If you are unsure what some of the settings were and what they did you can see explanations at the bottom of this guide.
<aside> <img src="/icons/info-alternate_blue.svg" alt="/icons/info-alternate_blue.svg" width="40px" /> If there is an tiny image, you can click on the image to see a enhanced version of it.
</aside> extension will allow you to use various triggers from LiveSplit. For instance you could make things happen when you get a gold split in a run or something like that.
Create an account at It’s easier if you just log in with your Twitch details.
Connect your account to LiveSplit using the LiveSplit Key provided here: You will need to follow the instructions on the website to get everything connected.
In StreamerBot go to the tab Servers / Clients → Websocket Clients. Right click and press Disconnect. Right click it again then press Edit.
Replace the text after username= in the Endpoint field to your username. This will be your Twitch username if you logged in / signed up with Twitch. Make sure it all looks similar to this then press Ok.
Right click **** again, make sure Auto Connect and Reconnect are checked. Then press Connect.
Everything should now be connected and ready to go!
To access the triggers, go to your Action tab in StreamerBot. Right click under the Triggers section in the top right. Got to Custom → StreamUP →
You will see a bunch of different trigger that you can use. Below is a list of all the triggers and when they will trigger. There is also all the different arguments you will be able to use as well!
These are all the triggers that are available and the arguments that you can use in your own Actions.
The following arguments are available for all triggers:
Arguments | Type | Description |
data.currentComparison | String | What comparison you are using. e.g. Personal Best. |
data.currentSplitName | String | Name of the current split. |
data.currentSplitIndex | Int | Current split number. Starts at 0. |
data.bestPossible | TimeSpan | Overall best time you could possibly get for the run |
data.currentPrediction | TimeSpan | Prediction of how long it will take to complete the run |
data.personalBest | TimeSpan | Personal best run time |
data.totalRunTime | TimeSpan | How long you have spent running the game in total |
data.timeToSave | TimeSpan | How much time can be saved on the current split |
data.sumOfBests | TimeSpan | Sum of best segments |
Arguments | Type | Description |
gameData.category | String | Speed run category for the current game being timed | | String | The game you are currently timing |
gameData.platform | String | What platform the game is being run on |
gameData.gameImage | String | The games box art |
gameData.layout | String | The runs layout in LiveSplit |
gameData.playStyle | String | The play style of the run. e.g. Glitchless |
gameData.runType | String | The type of run. e.g 100% |
gameData.version | String | Version of the game |
Arguments | Type | Description |
currentSplit.splitName | String | The name of the current split |
currentSplit.splitTime | NULL | These will be NULL |
currentSplit.bestPossibleTime | NULL | These will be NULL |
previousSplit.splitName | String | The name of the previous split |
previousSplit.splitTime | TimeSpan | The previous splits recorded time |
previousSplit.bestPossibleTime | TimeSpan | The previous splits, previous best recorded time. |
split.paceDifference | TimeSpan | The difference between your current pace and the comparison |
split.paceStatus | String | This will be ‘ahead’ or ‘behind’ to indicate the direction of the pace difference |
split.timeSavedOrLost | TimeSpan | How much time was saved or lost on the previous split |
split.timeStatus | String | This will be ‘saved’ or ‘lost’ to indicate if it was a time save or loss |
This will trigger whenever you split and the split colour is green. (You are ahead of your comparison time overall)
This will trigger whenever you split and the split colour is red. (You are behind your comparison time overall)
This will trigger whenever you split and the split colour is gold or rainbow. (You have beaten your pb time for that split)
Arguments | Type | Description |
gold_split_event.splitName | String | The gold splits name |
gold_split_event.newGold | TimeSpan | The new gold split time that was just set |
gold_split_event.previousGold | TimeSpan | The previous gold splits time | | TimeSpan | The difference between the previous gold time and the new gold time |
This will trigger when you start your final split.
This will trigger when you skip a split.
| --- | --- | --- |
This will trigger when you undo a split
| --- | --- | --- |
This will trigger when you lose time on a split. (This is overall pace)
This will trigger when you save time on a split. (This is overall pace)