Code Docs

StreamUP Product Documentation

Currency Core (1).png

General Notices

<aside> 💡 This product will work without the core system, but it is highly recommended for you to install that too.

Currency Core


<aside> <img src="/icons/info-alternate_blue.svg" alt="/icons/info-alternate_blue.svg" width="40px" /> This product comes without a .StreamUP file because it is just controlled inside of Streamer.Bot.

You still need to install the product into Streamer.Bot and use our DLL so make sure you follow the instructions below! Installing Products into Streamer.Bot Adding a Product into Streamer.Bot Setting Up a Product in Streamer.Bot Enabling Chat Commands In Streamer.Bot

All these links go to the same page but for easy of access I included them all so that you can clearly see what is required to do before continuing!


<aside> <img src="/icons/info-alternate_blue.svg" alt="/icons/info-alternate_blue.svg" width="40px" /> If there is an tiny image, you can click on the image to see a enhanced version of it.


User Guide

This guide assumes that you are connected to Twitch and/or YouTube correctly, the StreamUP DLL is in the dll folder and it is up-to-date and you are running the latest version of These can all be checked or done with the links above.

How to Set Up

By default this product will work on Twitch and YouTube and has 6 Emotes ranging from a x8 payout all the way to the x128 payout.


This overview explains the function of each setting. By adjusting these settings, you can control the rate at which users earn points. You can access this menu by going to the Currency Slots • Settings action then right clicking the Test trigger, then press Test Trigger.


  1. Reset Button
  2. Save Button

General Settings

The General Settings will allow you to control how your slot machine behaves.

Emote Settings

Emote Settings control which emotes are part of the slots and what effect they have on the game in terms of payout and percentage.

You can have as many emotes as you wish and are each entered into the table. The table has 3 columns, Emote Name, Payout and Percentage.

Please take care when entering these,

If it can not find the Percentage or Payout value you can set some defaults, however these should not be needed if you fill in the table correctly

These settings allow you to customize which emotes are used in the slots game, how much they pay out, and how frequently they appear, ensuring a tailored and balanced game experience.



This extension only comes with one command.

Command Purpose
This is how the user will have a go on the slot machine, with the command !slot <amount>

<aside> 💡 Note that amount can be one of the following.

A Number : !slot 5000 A Percentage : !slot 20% It can use K and M as short for Thousands and Millions : !slot 50k !slot 5m You can use All to call for an all in: !slot all or you can leave it blank to bet the default amount: !slot


<aside> ⛔ If you try bet a negative number that will be converted into a positive number.


Arguments and Triggers

This game comes with several Custom Triggers so you have full control over what happen with the different out comes, below is a list of the triggers and when they would trigger. Each Trigger is found in the Custom >> Currency trigger context menu.

Trigger Description
Slots All-In Loss Triggers when a player loses all their remaining balance in one slot game.
Slots All-In Win Triggers when a player wins after betting all their remaining balance in one slot game.
Slots Any Loss Triggers whenever a player experiences any loss in a slot game.
Slots Any Win Triggers whenever a player experiences any win in a slot game.
Slots Loss Triggers when a player loses in a slot game, that isn’t an All in bet.
Slots Win Triggers when a player wins in a slot game, that isn’t an All in bet.

These actions will also return several arguments these can be used in your actions.

Argument Name Example Description
gameName Slots This is the name of the game.
pointsName Points This is the name you’ve given to your points.
points 75284 This is the amount of points you have at the start.
rolledEmote1 💚 This is the emote that was rolled in as Slot 1.
rolledEmote2 ❤️ This is the emote that was rolled in as Slot 2.
rolledEmote3 💜 This is the emote that was rolled in as Slot 3.
slotResult 💚
betAmount 3000 This is the amount that ended up been bet.
allIn False This bool is if the bet is an All In bet or not.
oldPoints 75284 This is the points before the bet.
newPoints 72284 This is the points after the bet.
multiplier 10 This is the multiplier of the winnings.
winnings 30000 This is the amount that has been won.
result False This is a bool showing if the bet is a winner or not.


If something goes wrong slots has some error codes built in these can be used with Generic Fail Trigger. When this happens you can use either %failCode% or %failReason% to differentiate between the errors.

This table shows the error code and the reason that is associated with that error.

%failCode% %failReason%
4501 User Can Not Afford to do this.
4502 User’s request is over the limit
4503 User’s request is under the limit