Code Docs

StreamUP Product Documentation

Currency Core (4).png

General Notices

<aside> <img src="/icons/info-alternate_blue.svg" alt="/icons/info-alternate_blue.svg" width="40px" /> This product comes without a .StreamUP file because it is just controlled inside of Streamer.Bot.

You still need to install the product into Streamer.Bot and use our DLL so make sure you follow the instructions below! Installing Products into Streamer.Bot Adding a Product into Streamer.Bot Setting Up a Product in Streamer.Bot Enabling Chat Commands In Streamer.Bot

All these links go to the same page but for easy of access I included them all so that you can clearly see what is required to do before continuing!


User Guide

This guide assumes that you are connected to Twitch and/or YouTube correctly, the StreamUP DLL is in the dll folder and it is up-to-date and you are running the latest version of These can all be checked or done with the links above.

How to Set Up

So once imported into we can start modifying this to your needs.

This product will work with both Twitch and YouTube.


This is where you can adjust the settings of the discord post. This will help you control how it looks or what it says, you can access this by going into the Discord Going Live • Settings Action and right clicking on the Test trigger and then pressing Test Trigger from the context menu.


  1. Reset Button
  2. Save Button



General Settings allow you to set up the basic settings these will be needed regardless of the platform you are using.



These settings are controls what the post will look like when you go live on Twitch, if you don’t stream on Twitch these setting are skippable. Howe



These settings are controls what the post will look like when you go live on Twitch, if you don’t stream on Twitch these setting are skippable.


Arguments and Triggers

This has only 2 triggers, those are the going live for the platforms Twitch and YouTube.

Trigger Description
Twitch > Stream Online Triggers when you go live on Twitch.
YouTube > Broadcast Started Triggers when you go live on YouTube

In your messages you also have a few arguments you can use in your post.

Argument Description
%pingedRole% This the role you want to ping when going live.
%link% This is the link to your Live Stream.
%game% This is the game, either got from Twitch or got the default specified in settings when on YouTube
%title% This is the stream title.
%user% This is the name of the connected channel.
%broadcaster% This is the name of the connected channel.